Paul WilkinsPaul Wilkins


At Toy Soldier Productions, we welcome investors to become a special part of the team and share the exciting journey of putting new British productions on stage.

While high risk, investing in commercial theatre can be both financially and personally rewarding. When sitting in the audience on the opening night of a new production, it is incredibly gratifying to know that you, personally, have helped to make it happen.

Known as ‘angels’, investors are able to step behind the scenes and experience the magic of theatre, while enjoying many special privileges including:

  • Complimentary tickets to première performances
  • Access to private rehearsals, development workshops and open dress rehearsals
  • Invitations to opening night after-parties, with opportunities to meet the cast and creative team
  • First call to invest in future productions
  • Frequent, personal updates on exclusive news

We are currently welcoming investments of varying sizes in a number of productions.

Please contact us to arrange a meeting and explore your investment options.

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